Monday 07/31/2000 (Continued)
Jack's operating sessions
are modeled after the prototype also, and modelers from across the country fly
in for a session on this famous railroad.

I Was curious as to what
a Master Model Railroader's workbench looked like, and as a treat for you, I was
able to snap a couple shots. Everything from High tech, to common tools could be
found here, all organized, and maintained impeccably. From excellent Lighting,
self healing cutting pads, to computer photo enhancement equipment are the
tools of the trade for this MMR, Jack Burgess!

Our next stop was to
visit Dave Clemens HO Camas Prairie modular railroad. Dave has started modeling
this line which both the UP and NP shared, from Grangeville ID, up past Lewiston
Idaho. The layout was unique for a tour layout in that he actually let the
visitors run the trains! All who wanted to had at the throttle.

Dave, in the blue shirt,
(left photo) acted as dispatcher, giving train orders to his new engineers, and
everybody had an excellent time! Our last layout was a garden layout! View the
next page for more!