Tuesday 08/01/2000
(Photo's Below)
Today's activities started with a quick check of the contest
entries, (sorry no photo's) Before departing on the Peninsula Narrow Gauge tour.
What was surprising is the lack of entries. I suspect people just want to size
up the competition before they enter.
This tour started with a trip to MMR Bob Brown, (pictured
below) of the Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette's On3 Tuolumne Forks

Bob's Sierra logging and mining railroad is very well known,
and features a saw mill, stamp mill, resort hotel, and many more scratch built

Bob's construction techniques yield some of the most
convincing scenes I ever seen, and these photos are just a few of the 60 or so I
took of this layout.

I am always curious of what a Master Model Railroader's
workshop looks like, so I manages these: He's definitely setup for building
whatever is needed in his models.