Module Sizes:
The basic specs call for modules being 2' long, or longer in 6" increments, by 18"
deep. Corner modules are 30" by 30" or longer in 6" increments.
Track Spacing:
The specs call for a Mainline, Branchline, and Mountain Division spaced 16.5", 15",
and 9"or 1.5" (Mountain div is elevated 1") from the skyboard, and tracks end
2.47'' from the ends of the modules. In fact everything else is built to N-Trak
I have built 6 modules, 2- 48"x18" straight, 1- 30"x30" inside corner, and 2- 30"x30"
dogbone turnarounds that connect and raise the Mainline to the Mountain
Division, And now a new larger radius turnaround to replace the Alder module. It
is 48" x 42" as shown below. I had an L shape layout that fit in a 9.5' by 9.5' room,
but since I moved, am only using 4 modules, for a classic dogbone layout.
Below are my modules showing the latest Trackplans:
Note that the dark green area is elevated Mountain Division track rising 1" over
the light green Main/Branchline area.
The modules below are currently unused. I will use them along with another 48 inch module on my next expansion to the layout.